Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Book Review: Sycamore Row by John Grisham

Sycamore Row (Trunk Edition)Sycamore Row by John Grisham

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

Okay, I admit, this is only my second full John Grisham book (I listened to A Time To Kill last year, but found out later that it was the abridged version). I read A Painted House in college and adored it, but courtroom dramas aren't really my area of interest. I read this for a book club.

I have to say, I really enjoyed it (much more than A Time to Kill). I was glad I'd read the first book about Jake Brigance, but it's not necessary before reading this one, though it is mentioned many times in this book. Anyway, this one was slow-building but it got faster and faster towards the climax, where everything was tied together, even the seemingly random threads from the beginning.

I did have some questions about the logic of certain situations, and there were some extraneous bits that were never explained or elaborated that could have used explanation. And there were a few parts that dragged (jury selection...yawn). But overall, it was really interesting. I loved the characters, and having seen the movie "A Time To Kill" several times, I had all the characters pictured in my mind. Just loved Harry Rex in this one, and kind of want to get the unabridged of A Time To Kill now, just so I can get the whole picture. It wasn't nearly as exciting as this one, where everything is fleshed-out and just much more real.

I especially loved the bits of Southern culture that were so expertly done you might not even notice, like the way they always talk about football before bringing up what they really want to talk about. Being a Southern girl myself, I appreciate authentic Southern authors and the subtle touches they bring to their work.

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